In 2008, Rachel founded the Women in the Firm initiative within Arthur Cox. This involved bringing the women partners together to formulate a strategy to empower women in the firm. The initiative included training for women partners and associates on a range of subjects including Mastering the Unwritten Rules of Work and Developing a Personal Brand, as well organising talks and presentations by external speakers on key issues. Arthur Cox was the first Irish law firm to introduce maternity coaching. For the past five years, the firm has hosted a lunch event for 200 women clients on International Women’s Day. Rachel also played a key role in bringing the Catalyst programme, Men Advocating Real Change (MARC) to the firm which was attended by partners over two days in Dublin in September 2017. Externally, Rachel is currently the Deputy Chair of the 30% Club in Ireland, and co-heads the club’s Professional Services Firms’ Group. She is a regular speaker in various fora on women in the workplace – she has recently chaired an event for the Irish Society for European Law and has been invited to give the key note address at the Society of Young Solicitors’ conference in November.