Since completing her Masters thesis exploring the gender gap at c-suite within the UK Financial Services sector, Bijna has advocated exercises to help establish ‘new ways of working’ and to re-skill staff, and female colleagues in particular, so they are equipped for jobs of the future. One example was the development of a Data Science Lab, which she championed internally in 2016. She invested in video content, seminars and training to develop existing female staff within the division, and to attract other women into STEM roles internally. Bijna also mentors women internally, and through LBG is a Mentor to the CEO of a global RegTech. Externally, Bijna serves on advisory Boards for CIO Net, CDO (Chief Data Officer) Exchange Series and the Inclusive Companies Network. Through her various roles, she advocates for equal opportunities for women in the workplace. She is also a presenter for the Women in Business (WIB) TV show and has appeared on Disruptive TV, where she discussed key statistics, research on women in the workplace and associated topics. She has also been mentoring for Women in Technology in London for three years and has filmed a series of leadership videos for their new mentoring-on-the-go app, ‘Cajigo’.