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Yvonne sits on State Street’s Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (ID&E) Council and serves as Executive Sponsor of the firm’s Latino Professional Affinity Group. Under her leadership State Street earned a spot on Working Mother Magazine’s “100 Best Companies” and “Best Companies for Dads” lists, as well as the Diversity Best Practices Inclusion Index and the “Top 10 Companies to Work For” by Latina Style Magazine. In 2020, Yvonne helped to define the firm’s 10 Actions Against Racism and Inequality, and in 2021, she supported the addition of two women to State Street’s Management Committee, bringing the balance to 28% women. In addition to her work for Slate Street, Yvonne is the Chair of the Association of Latino Professionals for Advancement (ALPFA) Advisory Board, and the Executive Director of Small Business Strong, a coalition of leading firms in Massachusetts supporting women and minority-owned businesses impacted by the COVID-19 economic downturn.