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Suman is a Committee Member of Lane Clark & Peacock’s Women’s Network and helped lead the firm’s ‘Let’s talk about Gender Equality’ four-week educational program covering a range of topics such as ‘The History of Women’s Rights’, ‘Celebrating Differences’, ‘Women in the Workplace’ and ‘Legislation and the Gender Pay Gap’. Information was shared internally and discussed with the rest of the firm in weekly discussions. In addition, Suman and her team have now held three Women’s Talent Academies which are unique mentorship schemes giving undergraduates access to women working within investment consulting with the aim of improving gender diversity in the investment industry, in pensions and at LCP. Suman also sits on the Gender Equality workstream of the Diversity Project and has recently set up a podcast called “Spotlight on Women in Investment” which offers female students a chance to voice their opinions on D&I related topics such as the Imposter Phenomenon and EQ vs IQ.