Katherine is the Founder & Chair of CMS ENABLE (disabilities & wellbeing) Network, a member of the UN Stakeholders Group for Persons with Disabilities, & Co-chair InterLaw Diversity Forum disAbility Network. She is a member of CMS Women, BAME and an ally to LGBT+ Networks. She is a core member of CMS equlP, helping technology start-ups scale & supporting women tech entrepreneurs. Katherine leads substantive impactful global conversations, mentoring, advocacy, media, writing and speaking engagements to champion equality for women and disabled talent. Katherine is always called upon internally, and externally by clients, diversity organizations, the UN, and regulatory bodies, to provide advice regarding disability, often with a specific gender lens. She introduced monthly mindfulness sessions at CMS to build resilience and mental wellbeing and in CMS’ film of the Lord Mayor’s appeal, ‘This is Me’, destigmatizing mental health. She is in the First 100 Years Project, celebrating Women in Law.