Mairéad leads Diageo’s I&D strategy which has seen Diageo exceed its 2020 target for women in leadership roles and rank first on the Equileap Gender Equality Index. Today, 50% of Diageo’s Board and 40% of Diageo’s Executive Committee are women. In 2019 Mairead spearheaded an ambitious parental leave policy, offering all female employees globally six months fully paid maternity leave and offering the same benefit to men in a majority of markets. Since launch, the average number of paternity leave days taken by men increased from 23 to 105. Diageo is working to increase the number of women in STEM roles through apprenticeships, returnships and a scholarship at Herriot Watt University for female brewers, distillers, and mechanical engineers. Mairead is Diageo’s Executive Sponsor for race, and supports Spirited Women, Diageo’s gender equality employee group. She is a frequent keynote speaker and panelist at events focused on gender equality in business.