During Lee’s tenure as Managing Partner and now Chief Executive, Eversheds Sutherland has elected its first female Chair and met its initial target of having 25% female partners in the business one year ahead of the set timescale. The new target is 30% by 2021. Lee personally leads on Eversheds’ D&I strategy and appointed its first Gender Champion and Diversity & Inclusion Partner Sponsor in 2019. He was the first member of Eversheds’ Gender Network, which is currently working to engage male champions across the business as part of the #balanceforbetter campaign. Every year International Women’s Day is celebrated across the firm, with the day kicking off with a personal video or message of thanks from Lee and a celebration of the talents and contributions of female colleagues. He also launched Eversheds’ Development Plus programme to support career progression of women at the firm. Externally, Lee is a frequent speaker and panellist at legal industry conferences on D&I and is often quoted in the legal industry press.