Jayne-Anne Gadhia is the government’s Women in Finance Champion. In 2015, HM Treasury invited Jayne-Anne to review and report on the representation of women in senior managerial roles in the Financial Services industry. The Review recommended that financial services companies should set targets for gender diversity in senior management and publish progress against those targets annually. The Review also recommended progress against the targets should be explicitly linked to variable pay for the Executive team. Jayne-Anne’s report led to HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter – a commitment by firms to work together for gender equality in financial services. The Charter has been a huge success with over 140 signatory firms, covering over 560,000 people – equal to over half of the employees in the financial services sector. Whilst recognising there is more to be done, Jayne-Anne believes the Charter will make a real difference in improving culture, make firms more female-friendly, and offer the opportunity to have a successful and rewarding career.