Charlotte is a vocal champion for gender equality at Cicero, regularly reminding senior leadership of the need to do better in terms of the gender balance of the team and pointing out examples of unconscious bias. She has challenged all-male panels at events and actively participated in efforts to improve the recruitment process; working with HR to improve the language in job adverts and descriptions, and pressing for more gender balanced shortlists and interview panels. This has led to a more balanced selection of candidates and a more diverse range of hires. Charlotte has used her position as a Women in Public Affairs (WiPA) Committee member to encourage Cicero to host more events specifically on issues of gender equality and has been involved in planning broader events on this issue; for example a successful panel event on equality in the workplace to coincide with 2017’s International Women’s Day. She has taken a leading role in organising social events specifically for women in the business including company-wide networking events. She also mentors junior women within Cicero. As part of the WiPA committee, Charlotte has helped to deliver a full range of events from networking to training for members. She also acted as a mentor for WiPA’s recent speed mentoring session. Beyond WiPA, Charlotte is involved in numerous other initiatives to support D&I across the financial services sector.