Catherine has been with Edelman for 4.5 years, leading the growth of the Insights & Analytics practice and team of 17 research professionals in Canada, and is a member of the Toronto leadership team. Catherine has 25 years of research and analytics experience, is a Canadian Advisory Council Member of the Insights Association, and has been recognized for industry leading insights, winning 4 Research Excellence Awards. Catherine is a member of the global steering committee of Edelman’s Global Women’s Equality Network (GWEN), where she leads and supports global initiatives designed to increase the presence of women leaders at the most senior levels of the firm. She led the development of new global and regional scorecards and KPIs to track corporate progress and insights towards Edelman’s goal of achieving equal female representation at the most senior levels of the firm. Catherine also developed a plan and led the launch of a global Instagram channel on International Women’s Day last year, broadening awareness of the network and profiling Edelman’s women leaders in the market. Catherine is Edelman’s Global Women’s Equality Network (GWEN)’s leader in Toronto, championing a volunteer team of women to drive local initiatives such as Lean in Circles, mentoring sessions, celebrations of International Women’s day, panels, and other community events designed to support a culture that helps women lead and succeed. Catherine mentors numerous women in and outside of Edelman, and supports organisations who help women in business management and women and girls in the wider community.