The biggest challenge for women in business is the lack of women in senior management roles. Carolyn has sought to create an environment in which women can build a career, by actively encouraging and supporting women as they progress. EasyJet make it easy for people to have flexible working including part-time working, working from home and job sharing. Women now make up over half of the executive team and a third of the senior management team, while one in seven of the world’s female airline captains already fly for easyJet. Carolyn has a regular programme of speaking and Q&A sessions with groups of women both in easyJet and outside, in particular young women who are starting their career. Recent events have included Speakers for Schools, and speaking to the women’s network of their engineering partner GE and LVMH. She has been involved with “Women in Advertising and Communication ” and chaired Opportunity Now from 2005 to 2009, continuing to be involved in the activities of both. Carolyn has been recognised a number of times for her gender diversity and management efforts, including a Damehood in 2016.